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Plowing the earth
Current Projects

Education: The EYTZ Chayim Afternoon Hebrew School

 Recently Ezra Uganda begun the funding for the opening of a day school including Jewish and secular subjects and more than 168 children have registered.  The school was dedicated on “TuBishvat” and trees planted in celebration. Like young saplings these students will grown in strong adults who are dedicated to Judaism and it’s culture and history.   We have almost funded the entire first year of operations and are looking for the completion of this year’s funding and looking towards next year’s funding. Please consider choosing  this as an option under donations!

Elementary School - Etz Chayim.jpg

Health: Mosquito Nets & Bug Spray

We have provided dozens of mosquito nets to Namutumba families to help protect them from contracting malaria through mosquito bites during the night. However, a net is needed for each bed in the village. Moreover, each net only lasts three years, and many of the nets we previously provided now need replacing. We're currently working on gathering enough funding to provide the whole village with new nets, as well as bottles of bug spray to protect residents during the day. 

Life in Namutumba

Jewish Life: Shabbat Meals

One of the most important things Ezra Uganda Assistance does throughout the year is to provide funds for community meals on every Shabbat, Festival, and High Holidays. The Jews in Namutumba are devoted to Jewish practice and coming together to share a meal together is very meaningful to everyone. We are currently fundraising for the upcoming High Holiday meals.


Jewish Life: Israeli Recognition

The Israeli Interior Ministry recently ruled against recognition of the Abayudaya as Jews, preventing them from immigrating to Israel. We are raising awareness of the Abayudaya's plight among American and Israeli Jewish communities, and seeking the Abayudaya's universal recognition as Jews. 


Entrepreneurship: The Women's Sewing Project

We will soon fund a the first sewing project by puchasing sewing machines where the women of Namutumba can create clothing and bags for sale in the nearby village. Funds are needed to start it. Once it is up and running, the project will become self-sustaining. Please consider choosing this as an option under donations!


Education: Nursing Training

We have begun to sponsor the nursing shchool tuition of a young woman from the Namutumba community. She writes, "Hi Ezra Uganda members. I am Miriam Kadondi from Namatumba Community. I am looking forward to joining a nursing school, which is Lugazi School of Nursing and Midwifery. This has been possible because of your contribution towards it. I am truly grateful for everything you have done for me and I promise not to let you down. I am willing to become a professional health worker who is going to work hard so as to improve the health of our community members and the country at large."


Entrepreneurship: Start-Up Kippot Business

The women of the Namutumba Abayudaya make beautiful hand-knitted kippot (Jewish skull caps) and challah covers. We have provided the start-up funds so that the women can purchase supplies. They have been knitting kippot and challlah covers that are available in our store for sale!


Health: Emergency Fund

With mosquitos, lack of plumbing, and expensive health care, medical emergencies in Uganda are common and often go untreated. Ezra Uganda Assistance has set up an emergency medical fund for the Namutumba community so members can access medical care in dire situations. We provide $2,500 per quarter to the fund and leaders of the community board dispense the money to members in need when needed.  


​​For more information, call Rabbi Leila Gal Berner:


EIN: 81-1721571

Send donations by check to: 

Ezra Uganda Assistance Donations 

1106 Hawlings Road 

Brookeville MD 20833 

United States

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